
„Joakim Krchovski” Primary School in Kriva Palanka


The primary school ”Joakim Krchovski” is the biggest primary school in our town and it is consisted of two school buildings in the centre of the town and 12 village school buildings situated in the villages near our town. The total number of the pupils attending the school is 912(12 of them with disabilities) and the total number of the teachers working at the same school is 112.From recently our school has a new look.

The following subjects in the school are obligatory: Macedonian, English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, PE, Art, Music and students can choose: German, French, Religious Education and ICT. We also have project days on different topics. Classrooms are well equipped too (IT equipment, smart board, lap tops, computers…that can ensure project accomplishment).

Gloria Gruevska, aged 12,

Gorjan Stefanovski, aged 12

under supervision of Mrs Elena Mitevska Davidovska